Tag Archives: Cowichan Station

FILLED – LAND OPPORTUNITY: 2 Bedroom Suite with garden for food production available for rent – Cowichan Station, BC

Posted by Azja Jones Martin on September 10, 2021

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND This housing opportunity comes with an established garden with raised beds, small greenhouse, raspberries and a small orchard which is available for the tenants use. The owners would like to rent to tenants who will put the garden to its fullest use and will maintain it as a food producing resource. Water is limited, so irrigation must be done mindfully, and drought resistant/low water requirement crops would … Continue reading FILLED – LAND OPPORTUNITY: 2 Bedroom Suite with garden for food production available for rent – Cowichan Station, BC

FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Sunshine Meadow, Farm Helper / Milker

Posted by Michalina Hunter on February 12, 2021

Sunshine Meadow

Sunshine Meadow in Duncan, BC is seeking a Farm Helper / Milker! ABOUT Sunshine Meadow We have an 8 acre farm in Cowichan Station. We keep a small herd of milking cows, all heritage breeds including Jerseys, Ayrshires, Brown Swiss and Guernsey crosses. The cows are on pasture most of the year and have access to the outdoors at all times. We grow forage and pasture for the cows. We keep a small flock of laying hens that help fertilize and upgrade the pasture. There is also some garden space available to grow produce mostly for personal use, as well … Continue reading FARM JOB: Duncan, BC – Sunshine Meadow, Farm Helper / Milker

FILLED – LAND OPPORTUNITY: Raised beds, greenhouse and potting shed for lease – Cowichan Station, BC

Posted by Azja Jones Martin on February 12, 2020

There are more available land listings available than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory in your region. ABOUT THE LAND This space has been maintained as a food producing organic garden for years, and is now looking for a new grower to take over! Beds are raised in rock walls (retains heat well!) and irrigation infrastructure is all set up and ready to go. A greenhouse is available for use, as is a potting shed with heated benches for getting seedlings going. Productive fruit trees and raspberries are also available for … Continue reading FILLED – LAND OPPORTUNITY: Raised beds, greenhouse and potting shed for lease – Cowichan Station, BC

FILLED – LAND OPPORTUNITY: 2 Bedroom Suite with garden for food production available for rent – Cowichan Station, BC

Posted by Azja Jones Martin on January 01, 2020

There are more available land listings available than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory in your region. ABOUT THE LAND A two-bedroom suite on the lower floor of a home in the heart of Cowichan Station is available for rent immediately. This housing opportunity comes with an established garden with raised beds, small greenhouse, raspberries and a small orchard which is available for the tenants use. The owners would like to rent to tenants who will put the garden to its fullest use and will maintain it as a food producing resource. Water … Continue reading FILLED – LAND OPPORTUNITY: 2 Bedroom Suite with garden for food production available for rent – Cowichan Station, BC