Tag Archives: colonialism in canada

Farming in Canada: Who else do you have to thank?

Posted by Kyla P on July 14, 2020 7 Comments

Kyla P at Soul Fire Farm

The author, Kyla, at the BIPOC farming immersion at Soul Fire Farm. Photo by Quin Buck, @kisewehtawin. On June 18th, Statistics Canada released an infographic thanking Canadian farmers for their role in the Canadian food chain and for helping to get food on the table of millions of Canadians. Amongst the facts about growing fruit and meat production, I couldn’t help but notice the glaring omission of labour and violence that has led us to where we are in the narrative around the Canadian food chain. Now without a doubt, if you ate today you can thank a farmer. But … Continue reading Farming in Canada: Who else do you have to thank?