Tag Archives: Canadian Organic Grower

JAN 31, 2019: Guidelines for BC’s Organic Certification Regulation

Posted by Michalina Hunter on February 07, 2019


Guidelines for BC’s Organic Certification Regulation Circulated from the BC Ministry of Agriculture January 31, 2019 Background These guidelines are intended to provide guidance to operators in BC who are seeking clarity on how to be compliant with BC’s Organic Certification Regulation. As of September 1, 2018, the term “organic” is now a protected label within BC for agricultural products that have been produced or processed in BC, and for which certified organic programs exist. Currently Certified Organic programs exist in BC for food and beverages, flowers, cannabis, pet food and any product made from 100% agricultural products that can … Continue reading JAN 31, 2019: Guidelines for BC’s Organic Certification Regulation

CORNWALL, ON: Eco Farm Day with Mark Shepard | Feb 25-26

Posted by Emily Jubenvill on January 18, 2017 2 Comments

COGS presents Eco Farm Day with Mark Shepard

The 3 Rs of Organic Agriculture: Restorative, Responsible, Resilient Keynote: March Shepard of New Forest Farm and author of Restorative Agriculture: Real World Permaculture for Farmers The 33rd annual Eco Farm Day is coming on February 25-26, 2017 at the Ramada Inn in Cornwall. The day is organized by volunteers of the Ottawa-St Lawrence-Outaouais Chapter of Canadian Organic Growers (COG OSO). The focus is on practical techniques and management skills that work in our area, with an emphasis on sustainable organic stewardship of land, food and fibre. As a highlight event of the season for organic (and organic curious) farmers, … Continue reading CORNWALL, ON: Eco Farm Day with Mark Shepard | Feb 25-26

Cornwall, ON: Eco Farm Day Feb 28, 2015

Posted by Sara Dent on January 14, 2015

Healthy Land, Healthy People, Healthy Profits: Eco Farm Day 2015 Calling all current and future farmers in eastern Ontario and west Quebec! Eco-Farm Day 2015 is set to go on Saturday, February 28th, 8:30-4:30pm at the Ramada Inn in Cornwall, ON. Join us for a winter day full of food, friendship, and inspiration; a highlight of the season for organic (and organic-curious) famers and gardeners in the region! The day is organized by volunteers of the Ottawa-St Lawrence-Outouais chapter of Canadian Organic Growers (COG). The focus is on practical techniques and management skills that work in our area. This year’s … Continue reading Cornwall, ON: Eco Farm Day Feb 28, 2015