Tag Archives: canadian agriculture scholarship

Canadian Eco-Scholar Award: Scholarship for students who care about organic agriculture

Posted by Michalina Hunter on February 18, 2021

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN FOR THE 2021 YORKSHIRE VALLEY FARMS CANADIAN ECO-SCHOLAR AWARD Are you a full-time student at a Canadian academic institution?  Are you passionate about organics? Yorkshire Valley Farms wants to hear from you! Applications for The 2021 Yorkshire Valley Farms Canadian Eco-Scholar Award are now open. $10,000 in funding is available and will be awarded to four students.  To apply, submit a video in which you answer the question “what role do you hope to play in the organic regenerative movement?”. The Eco-Scholar Award was launched in 2004 by the Guelph Organic Conference. Under the new partnership with … Continue reading Canadian Eco-Scholar Award: Scholarship for students who care about organic agriculture