Tag Archives: Cadence Lane Farm

Looking for Land: Meet Teamster Christine

Posted by Kristen Nammour on February 16, 2017

Cadence Lane Farm Draft Team Pulls Logs w/ teamster, Christine

CHRISTINE BEATTIE: HORSE TRAINER, TEAMSTER & FARMER IS SEARCHING FOR A HOMESTEAD ON THE SAANICH PENNINSULA Hello! My name is Christine; I am a passionate horse trainer, teamster, and farmer, as well as the human power behind Cadence Lane Farm in the Cowichan Valley.  After close to four years on the same farm, I have outgrown the space I am on and am seeking a new homestead to lease and call home. My way of life and ambitions in farming with horses are inspired by a purpose, a principle, and a possibility.  The purpose is to work in harmony with Mother Nature, to nourish ourselves, … Continue reading Looking for Land: Meet Teamster Christine