Tag Archives: biodynamics

FEB 24, 2024: Coldstream, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

Posted by Darcy Smith on November 14, 2023 2 Comments

GOT LAND? WANT LAND? Are you a landholder looking for farmers? Are you a farmer looking for land? We want you! Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land access. Young Agrarians Land Linking Workshops bring together landholders and farmers seeking land to network, explore possible land matches, and learn how to navigate land sharing and lease agreements. Our B.C. Land Matching Program Manager Darcy Smith and our Okanagan Land Matcher, Pascale Schittecatte will be there to talk about how land matching supports land seekers and landholders, and share key questions to ask, legal considerations, and … Continue reading FEB 24, 2024: Coldstream, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

NOV 18, 2023: Cowichan, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

Posted by Kat Roger on October 16, 2023

LOOKING FOR THE FALL 2024 LAND LINKING WORKSHOP? CLICK HERE:   NOV 16, 2024: Cowichan, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP ______________________________________________________________ GOT LAND? WANT LAND? Are you a landholder looking for farmers? Are you a farmer looking for land? We want you! Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land access. Young Agrarians Land Linking Workshops bring together landholders and farmers seeking land to network, explore possible land matches, and learn how to navigate land sharing and lease agreements. Our B.C. Land Matching Program Manager Darcy Smith and our Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands Land Matcher, … Continue reading NOV 18, 2023: Cowichan, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP


Posted by Kat Roger on September 18, 2023

LOOKING FOR THE FALL 2024 LAND LINKING WORKSHOP? CLICK HERE: NOV 24, 2024: Nelson, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP ______________________________________________________________ GOT LAND? WANT LAND? Are you a landholder looking for farmers? Are you a farmer looking for land? We want you! Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land access. Young Agrarians Land Linking Workshops bring together landholders and farmers seeking land to network, explore possible land matches, and learn how to navigate land sharing and lease agreements. Our B.C. Land Matching Program Manager Darcy Smith and our Columbia Basin Land Matcher, Nyree Marsh will be … Continue reading OCT 22, 2023: Nelson, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

SEP 17, 2023: Salt Spring Island, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

Posted by Darcy Smith on August 27, 2023

GOT LAND? WANT LAND? Are you a landholder looking for farmers? Are you a farmer looking for land? We want you! Co-hosted with the Salt Spring Island Farmland Trust Join us for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land access. Young Agrarians Land Linking Workshops bring together landholders and farmers seeking land to network, explore possible land matches, and learn how to navigate land sharing and lease agreements. Our Vancouver Island Land Matcher, Kiyomi Ito will be there to talk about how the B.C. Land Matching Program supports land seekers and landholders, and share key questions to ask, … Continue reading SEP 17, 2023: Salt Spring Island, BC – LAND LINKING WORKSHOP

LAND OPPORTUNITY: 40 Acres of Cropland for Long Term Lease – Nanoose Bay, BC

Posted by Kiyomi Ito on August 22, 2023

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND 40 acres of cropland are available for a passionate farmer or group of farmers on this 125-acre ALR property in Nanoose Bay. This long term lease opportunity is ready for a steward(s) with big dreams and lots of experience. Previously, this land has seen wild meadows, cattle grazing, and a turf business. At present, 20 acres of the available land are uncut hay, which could be … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: 40 Acres of Cropland for Long Term Lease – Nanoose Bay, BC