Tag Archives: biodiversity

March 28-31, 2019: MONTREAL, QC – Living Soils Symposium

Posted by Michalina Hunter on January 16, 2019

WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THE LIVING SOILS SYMPOSIUM 2019 Written by Maya Sakellaropoulo of Regeneration Canada WHEN: March 28-31, 2019 WHERE: Marché Bonsecours – 350 Saint-Paul Est, Montreal, Quebec REGISTRATION: (early bird tickets go on sale January 17, 2019) livingsoilssymposium.ca/en/attend/ LEARN MORE: livingsoilssymposium.ca/en/ The upcoming Living Soils Symposium taking place in Montreal from March 28-31, 2019 is an engaging and information-packed event focusing on our incredibly crucial and principal ally, soil. Why soil? Soil is the origin of all life and plays a critical role in mitigating climate change by being the largest carbon sink on land. Unfortunately, according to the United Nations (UN), a stunning … Continue reading March 28-31, 2019: MONTREAL, QC – Living Soils Symposium

June 23: Sundre, AB – Farming with Biodiversity Workshop

Posted by Dana Penrice on May 18, 2018

Alberta’s farms and ranches are home to so much more than livestock and crops. There’s dung beetles, deer, crocuses, spruce trees and countless wildlife species living on agricultural land. In fact, the more diverse a farm or ranch is in plants and animals the more agricultural producers benefit. It is a win-win for producers and ecosystems. Rural Routes to Climate Solutions, Little Loaves Farm and Organic Alberta are hosting a pay-what-you-can ($10 or less) workshop on how producers can protect, boost and benefit from biodiversity on their land. Limited spots are available. Register now: Date: Saturday June 23rd Time: 1:00pm – 5:00pm … Continue reading June 23: Sundre, AB – Farming with Biodiversity Workshop

Building a Seed Saving Legacy

Posted by aliciabaddorf on November 27, 2012

By Alicia Baddorf 9/10 of the bites we take start with seed. The range of seed diversity that exists is breathtaking, but consider this: over the past 80 years, we have lost 93% of variety in our food seeds. At the BCSeed Gathering in Richmond this November, a group of seed activists, farmers and concerned citizens from the province came together for a weekend of workshops, skills sharing and dialogue around seeds. Going into the gathering, I was aware of a number of environmental and social issues surrounding seed sovereignty, but the breadth of knowledge and passion exuded by these seed … Continue reading Building a Seed Saving Legacy