Tag Archives: Beekeeping

LAND OPPORTUNITY: 29 acres of land for farming – Langley, BC

Posted by Danika Watson on January 17, 2025

We always have new land opportunities coming into our inventory, some of which aren’t on our blog yet! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at bclmp@youngagrarians.org to learn about the latest opportunities and to access free B.C. Land Matching Program services in your region. ABOUT THE LAND Conveniently located in Langley, 29 acres of land are available for farming! The available land has been cleared, but it has not been farmed in quite a while, so some work will be needed to prepare the space for farming. There is some gentle topography on the property that the landholders are … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: 29 acres of land for farming – Langley, BC

YA APPRENTICESHIP 2025: Armstrong, BC – The Okanagan Honey Company

Posted by Tessa Thompson on December 02, 2024

ABOUT OKANAGAN HONEY CO Our farm is a bee breeding and honey producing farm in the Okanagan Valley. We raise and mate queen honey bees and spring nuclei for sale to various regions in BC and Alberta. We also produce a beautiful Okanagan wildflower honey each year in the later summer. The honey bee colonies are placed on 20 different locations around the region, with an emphasis on organic farms or areas full of wild flowers.  Our home farmland itself was originally cleared in the early 1900’s by Doug’s great grandfather and great grandmother, who farmed and lived on the … Continue reading YA APPRENTICESHIP 2025: Armstrong, BC – The Okanagan Honey Company

LAND OPPORTUNITY: 1/2 acre for lease at Cresta Roca Farm – Gabriola Island, BC

Posted by Kiyomi Ito on July 02, 2024

We always have new land opportunities coming into our inventory, some of which aren’t on our blog yet! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at bclmp@youngagrarians.org to learn about the latest opportunities and to access free B.C. Land Matching Program services in your region. ABOUT THE LAND Cresta Roca Farm is a 5-acre permaculture farm located on Gabriola Island, BC. The farm is home to herds and flocks of animals – goats, horses, donkeys, chickens, ducks and geese. The farmers specialize in breeding heritage poultry (namely, Lavender Orpingtons) and registered Nigerian Dwarf goats with a focus on conformation and … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: 1/2 acre for lease at Cresta Roca Farm – Gabriola Island, BC

LAND OPPORTUNITY: 2.5 acres for flowers, bees, and more – Coldstream, BC

Posted by Pascale Schittecatte on May 10, 2024

We always have new land opportunities coming into our inventory, some of which aren’t on our blog yet! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at bclmp@youngagrarians.org to learn about the latest opportunities and to access free B.C. Land Matching Program services in your region. ABOUT THE LAND This charming property has 2.5 acres of space ready for small-scale agriculture! Located on a quiet road outside of Coldstream, BC, the farming area is divided between three sloped pastures with driveway access through the pastures all the way to the top. The uppermost pasture is rocky and would be best suited … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: 2.5 acres for flowers, bees, and more – Coldstream, BC

LAND OPPORTUNITY: 0.5 Acres of Possibility – Pitt Meadows, BC

Posted by Kat Roger on November 21, 2023

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND Looking for a well-supported environment to launch your diversified market gardening dreams? Look no further! Just off of Highway 7 in Pitt Meadows, this opportunity offers ½ an acre of cleared land for a new project. Situated on a 100 acre blueberry farm which has been in operation for 39 years, this plot is suitable for a variety of production types and will … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: 0.5 Acres of Possibility – Pitt Meadows, BC

INTERNSHIP: LOWER MAINLAND, BC – Honey bee biology intern

Posted by Michalina Hunter on April 07, 2022

The BC Honey Producers Association’s Tech Transfer Program is seeking a Honey bee biology intern for the 2022 season! Organization Legal name: British Columbia Honey Producers Association Branch: Technology Transfer Program Address: PO Box 5594, Victoria, BC V8R 6S4 Email: info@ttp-bchpa.ca Position title: Internship – honey bee health Project: Investigating pest and diseases of the honey bee Type of position: full time (38 h/w) Gross hourly rate: CAD$17/h (no accommodations provided) Gross overall salary: CAD$15,504 Anticipated start: May 2, 2022 Hours of work: flexible daily and weekly schedule to suit the project needs and weather conditions. Working on weekends may … Continue reading INTERNSHIP: LOWER MAINLAND, BC – Honey bee biology intern

FARM JOB: BC – BC Honey Producers Association, Administrator

Posted by Michalina Hunter on July 06, 2021

The BC Honey Producers Association is seeking to hire an Administrator! Scope and Level Definition: Part time position, operating from a home office, performing administrative support functions for the B.C. Honey Producers Association and its Technology Transfer Program, including report generation, bookkeeping, payroll, general word processing, data entry. Functions and Responsibilities Performs reception and email duties for the program, receiving and relaying messages, and responding to email and telephone inquiries. Reports to the Tech Transfer Lead and BCHPA executive. Performs general word processing and data entry functions such as inputting information into relevant computer systems, maintaining relevant registers, and typing … Continue reading FARM JOB: BC – BC Honey Producers Association, Administrator

FARM JOB: BC – BC Honey Producers Association, Tech Transfer Lead

Posted by Michalina Hunter on June 08, 2021

The BC Honey Producers Association is seeking to hire a Tech Transfer Lead! Lead Position Description BC Honey Producers Association is initiating a multi-year Technology Transfer Program to benefit the bee industry of the province. We are seeking someone to lead the effort, starting this summer. This lead will have and maintain knowledge of bee industry challenges and potential solutions, and as directed by a steering committee, will pursue and implement appropriate solutions in fields which may include Integrated Management of bee pests and diseases, advancements in queen rearing, increased success in winter survival of colonies, develop training and BMPs … Continue reading FARM JOB: BC – BC Honey Producers Association, Tech Transfer Lead

LAND OPPORTUNITY: 2 sunny unfenced acres in Krestova

Posted by Hailey Troock on May 26, 2021

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND This land opportunity is located in Krestova, a small community in the Crescent Valley about 15 minutes from both Castlegar and Nelson. The sunny property is mostly cleared of trees and unfenced. It is located on a plateau in central Krestova with a slightly sloping aspect and well-draining soil. The area available is about 2 acres but the property is on community water so there is limited … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: 2 sunny unfenced acres in Krestova

FARM JOB: Wakefield, Quebec – Apiverte Inc., Beekeeper

Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 22, 2021 2 Comments

Apiverte Inc. in Wakefield, Quebec is seeking a Beekeeper! ABOUT Apiverte Inc. Apiverte keeps bees, harvests artisan honey, builds wooden beekeeping equipment, produces honey and wax-based products, and provides regional tourism experiences. Apiverte is fast becoming one of the most innovative apiculture businesses in the Gatineau Hills with: 20+ commercial partner hosts 30+ apiary sites 125 colonies of honeybees 1500km2 service area 30+ artist collaborations 5 municipalities : Gatineau, Chelsea, La Pêche, Low and Vals-des-Mont Apiverte is developing a new style of beekeeping and using it in our own operations. Our honey is unique and diverse as is our business … Continue reading FARM JOB: Wakefield, Quebec – Apiverte Inc., Beekeeper