Tag Archives: bc timber goats


Posted by Michalina Hunter on May 13, 2019 2 Comments

bc timber goats, lumby, farm internship

BC Timber Goats in Lumby, BC is seeking an apprentice! About BC Timber Goats BC Timber Goats is located on a steep river canyon outside of Lumby BC.  We run 150 head of Mostly Kiko Cross Goats for wildfire fuel mitigation and vegetation management.  Most days are spent hiking and watching goats with a bike and a hockey stick makes a pretty good shepherds hook.  There is a herding dog charlie and soon a few guard dogs.  BC Timber Goats is supported by a network of sheep and goat breeders and those products are sold into the Vancouver Restaurant market. BC Timber … Continue reading FARM APPRENTICESHIP: LUMBY, BC – BC Timber Goats

FARM JOB: LUMBY, BC – BC Timber Goats, Goat Supervisor/Herder

Posted by Michalina Hunter on May 13, 2019 2 Comments

bc timber goats, lumby, farm job

BC Timber Goats in Lumby, BC is hiring a Goat Supervisor/Herder! Would you like to wake up every day and help prevent forest fires, how would you like to spend your days controlling and reversing climate change and improving the environment?  That is everyone’s goal who practices regenerative, sustainable and organic agriculture. Working with BC Timber Goats you can wake up each day and make a quantifiable difference to your community and the environment. About BC Timber Goats BC Timber Goats is a goat-based fuel mitigation and vegetation management goat herd.  We raise kiko X goats and deploy to regional areas … Continue reading FARM JOB: LUMBY, BC – BC Timber Goats, Goat Supervisor/Herder