Tag Archives: Bauta Initiative

2015 Seed Mentorship Program

Posted by Chris Thoreau on April 14, 2015

BC Seeds and FarmFolk CityFolk are happy to announce our 2015 Seed Mentorship Program! This program will match up new and eager seed growers with experienced seed growers throughout the province for a unique season-long Mentorship opportunity. Potential Mentors – Are you an experienced seed grower in BC and want to share your knowledge with others? Mentors will play an important role in guiding Mentees through the seed-growing season and offering hands-on opportunities when possible. This transfer of knowledge and experience is important to the growth and resilience of our local seed system. Potential Mentees (yes, that is a word!) … Continue reading 2015 Seed Mentorship Program


Posted by Sara Dent on July 25, 2012

It’s been natural for us to pull people together to eat. Since we’re focused on farmers and foodies, our monthly gatherings started small and are growing. We like the idea of young folk around the province potlucking and pulling together local food, food lovers and growers. Potlucks are free, participatory and a wonderful way to bond and build community. Our first potluck was a house gathering in Vancouver’s Strathcona. Our secound potluck was at Cottonwood Community Garden to meet Jane Rabinowicz from The Bauta Initiative, who was touring B.C. with FarmFolk CityFolk. Our third potluck marked the beginning of a collaboration … Continue reading Potluck!