Tag Archives: aquaponics

LAND OPPORTUNITY: Greenhouse for Hydroponics or Aquaponics with Expansion Potential – Saanich, BC

Posted by Azja Jones Martin on April 16, 2021 6 Comments

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND Situated near Prospect Lake, only 25 minutes from downtown Victoria, the greenhouse is on a 3 acre property with a home occupied by the owner, plus extensive outbuildings that were formerly used to farm koi fish. The available greenhouse is 70 x 20 ft. It has been partially converted already from koi production and built-out for plant production – with a new polycarbonate roof, ventilation, a dedicated … Continue reading LAND OPPORTUNITY: Greenhouse for Hydroponics or Aquaponics with Expansion Potential – Saanich, BC

NOT AVAILABLE – LAND OPPORTUNITY: Turn-Key Aquaponic Greenhouse with Half Acre of Field Space – North Cowichan, BC

Posted by Azja Jones Martin on December 14, 2020

We have more land opportunities than what is listed here! Get in touch with a Land Matcher at land@youngagrarians.org to access our full land inventory and B.C. Land Matching Program support in your region. ABOUT THE LAND This 36×80 heated greenhouse is fully set up and ready to go with an aquaponic growing system. Previously home to Raincoast Aquaponics, the system has been successfully producing food since 2012 and up until this fall, averaging 30,000 units of produce and 1200 pounds of rainbow trout per year. The system still has propane tank and heat pump set up, with grow lights for winter growing, as … Continue reading NOT AVAILABLE – LAND OPPORTUNITY: Turn-Key Aquaponic Greenhouse with Half Acre of Field Space – North Cowichan, BC

2015 Urban Farming Certificate Program: Food Skills in Action

Posted by Jess Brown on March 17, 2015 1 Comment

Mason Street City Farm Victoria BC Starts March 28th and runs to October 2015 What is the Urban Farming Certificate Program? In the Urban Farming Certificate Program, students will learn the theory and application of intensive urban food production and the foundations of holistic ecological farming. The focus of this program will be on the application of the theory learned in the classroom. Over 60% of the instruction will be on the ground building soil, building farm infrastructure, planting, propagating and growing food. Mason Street City Farm has spent a decade honing techniques specific to ecological urban food cultivation. Whether … Continue reading 2015 Urban Farming Certificate Program: Food Skills in Action

Mason Street Farm 2015 Apprenticeship Program

Posted by Jess Brown on January 09, 2015

Application Deadline: January 20th 2015 Interviews: February 5 & 6 2015 Link to application:  Apprenticeship-Application-2015 About the Apprenticeship: This apprenticeship is well suited for individuals with a strong work ethic who are seeking a career path in ecological food production. Many days of this apprenticeship will be fun and enjoyable. Many days will be challenging, wet and monotonous. You will be experiencing life as a production farmer.  We will be serving coffee! The Mason Street City Farm is offering 3 full season paid apprenticeships for the 2015 growing season. Apprentices work 2 full days per week with a stipend of $75 … Continue reading Mason Street Farm 2015 Apprenticeship Program

Grow Your Full Potential! Victoria Aquaponics Spring Workshop Series

Posted by Jess Brown on February 28, 2014

In simple terms, aquaponics is a recirculating system that raises fish and grows vegetables in one integrated living system. This unique approach to growing food provides higher yields and requires much less labor and inputs than soil based farming.  Whether you’re a farmer or a home gardener, aquaponics provides fun and effective solutions for growing tasty local food. Join us in exploring the what’s why’s and how’s. Victoria Aquaponics and Mason Street Farm are offering a workshop series this march. Participants will experience aquaponics in action and gain the confidence to design, build, start-up and maintain their own home or … Continue reading Grow Your Full Potential! Victoria Aquaponics Spring Workshop Series

Urban Stream: Food for the future, technology from the past

Posted by wesleysregan on September 04, 2012 2 Comments

Why do my partner Nick and I want to grow food in cities? Why have we started a business that lenders and investors struggle to understand and for which there are no existing models or precedents for us to draw from as we plan?  And why are we so passionate about this apparently quixotic vision? I guess like many others we see the writing on the wall. We need new ways of doing things, and new ways of thinking, if we want to thrive in the future. We don’t mind being ahead of the curve if that’s what it takes. … Continue reading Urban Stream: Food for the future, technology from the past