FARM JOB: Wakefield, Quebec – Apiverte Inc., Beekeeper
Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 22, 2021 2 Comments
Apiverte Inc. in Wakefield, Quebec is seeking a Beekeeper! ABOUT Apiverte Inc. Apiverte keeps bees, harvests artisan honey, builds wooden beekeeping equipment, produces honey and wax-based products, and provides regional tourism experiences. Apiverte is fast becoming one of the most innovative apiculture businesses in the Gatineau Hills with: 20+ commercial partner hosts 30+ apiary sites 125 colonies of honeybees 1500km2 service area 30+ artist collaborations 5 municipalities : Gatineau, Chelsea, La Pêche, Low and Vals-des-Mont Apiverte is developing a new style of beekeeping and using it in our own operations. Our honey is unique and diverse as is our business … Continue reading FARM JOB: Wakefield, Quebec – Apiverte Inc., Beekeeper