Tag Archives: alberta beekeeping jobs

Job Filled: FARM JOB: CALGARY, AB – ABC Bees, Summer Beekeeper and Queen Breeding Manager

Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 13, 2019 2 Comments

ABC Bees, Farm job, beekeeping job, calgary, alberta

ABC Bees in Calgary, AB is seeking a Summer Beekeeper and Queen Breeding Manager for the 2019 season! About ABC Bees Apiaries and Bees for Communities (ABC Bees) is the leading educator and innovator in apiculture in Alberta since 2010. Currently “there is disparity between the Canadian demand for queens and our breeding industry’s current capacity to meet the required quantity and timing. Educating beekeepers on the value and availability of local queens is a key challenge.” (Bixby, Guarna, Hoover, Pernal, 2018, p. 22). With the IRAP funding, we plan to take our current breeding practices and develop an easy to follow field … Continue reading Job Filled: FARM JOB: CALGARY, AB – ABC Bees, Summer Beekeeper and Queen Breeding Manager