Tag Archives: agriculture grants canada

Accessing the On-Farm Climate Action Fund

Posted by Dana Penrice on April 03, 2023

The federal government has created the OFCAF program to help farmers tackle climate change. This is a great opportunity for new farmers to access funding for infrastructure, consultation and management practices. The objective of the Fund is to support farmers in adopting beneficial management practices (BMPs) that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of: Nitrogen management, examples include costs associated with: consulting, agronomic services and creating fertility plans soil testing and mapping applying manure and composts (potential for equipment costs) planting legumes Cover cropping, examples include costs associated with: consulting, agronomic services and creating cover cropping … Continue reading Accessing the On-Farm Climate Action Fund

How to Apply for Farm Grants in Canada

Posted by Rachel Spruston on January 17, 2022 15 Comments

As a new farmer, access to capital in the early years of operation, or during periods of significant change such as farm transition or expansion, can be a challenge. The good news is, there are many farm grants for beginning farmers in Canada, and we’ve compiled a list of some of our favourites below, as well as tips for applying. This post was inspired by and based on the generous expertise of Andrew Rosychuk of Rosy Farms, a regenerative haskap farm in Alberta and a speaker for our Business Bootcamp. Over the course of his farming career Andrew has become … Continue reading How to Apply for Farm Grants in Canada