Tag Archives: agirculture

A Day in the Life of an Apprentice: Leia Zulyniak – Lazy T and Lady’s Hat Farms

Posted by Michelle Lam on September 28, 2021

Leia Zulyniak is a Chicken Boss by day and a florist-in-training by night. She’s in a unique position as Young Agrarians Farm Apprentice, where she spends half her day with mentors Jenna and Brett at Lazy T Farm, and the latter half with Nikki at Lady’s Hat Farm. The two closely-knit farms work collaboratively on a community, food-centred initiative called the Prairie Farm Project. Lazy T Farm is a holistically managed farm with a main focus on grass-fed beef, pastured poultry and free-range eggs. Lady’s Hat Farm, just 15-minutes down the road, centres around florals and grass-fed, grass-finished lambs. The … Continue reading A Day in the Life of an Apprentice: Leia Zulyniak – Lazy T and Lady’s Hat Farms