MARCH 9, 2019: TERRACE, BC – Skeena Bulkley Farmers Meet & Greet with Thimbleberry Farm

Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 01, 2019

skeena bulkley farmers meet and greet terrace

In partnership with Vicky and Chris of Thimbleberry Farm in Terrace, BC.

You’re invited to an afternoon of connecting with local farmers, growers and community members who are interested in local food systems and security.

WHENSaturday, March 9, 2019 at 2–6PM

WHERE: Thimbleberry Farm, 2206 Archer Avenue, Terrace, BC, V8G 1E7

BRINGPlease bring warm clothes, a dish or snack for sharing, and a lawn chair if possible. We will have a bonfire, but will be prepared to host indoors if required.


Also, please feel free to share the event information with of all your farmy friends and on any community pages or message boards.

RIDESHARE: If you are coming to Terrace from away, and need a ride OR can offer someone a ride, please post in the Facebook event page.


We aim:

  • To connect farmers operating in the Skeena and Bulkley regions to one another;
  • To connect established farmers with experience and knowledge with young farmers and individuals who are interested in working in agriculture;
  • To connect those seeking land for agriculture with those who have it;
  • To determine what our farming community needs in terms of support and information, with the goal of organizing further social events, workshops, and information sessions through government and agricultural organizations such as Young Agrarians.

The first and last points are our main goals…we hope that this event will be the first of many!

We are looking forward to connecting with our fellow farmers!