INTERNSHIP: Join an Urban Permaculture Community in Kamloops, B.C.

Posted by Michelle Tsutsumi on May 11, 2016 3 Comments

Made with Love is an eco artisan grocery manufacturing company and organic urban permaculture farm project on a secluded, natural, riverside acreage in the City of Kamloops, across from MacArthur Park on the River’s Trail.


We grow veggies, fruit, nuts, berries, herbs and so many GREENS in our food forests, greenhouse and gardens. All major city amenities in a gorgeous natural, meditative environment, 10 mins from downtown, 5 mins to the airport, with Copper Crystal Swimming Pool, Chlorine free Mineral Hot Tub, Trampoline, Slack-line, Tree Silks, Piano, Drum-kit and tons of musical instruments. Peaceful, playful, actively engaged beings, passionate about life, enthusiastic learners and teachers with skills and knowledge to offer are welcome to join our community and maximize how much food we can grow and process on a small footprint organically.

Accepting applications for 3 – 6 month permaculture interns. We look for experienced organic farmers who are passionate about urban permaculture, agroecology, biodynamics and food forest plantings. We invite excellent interns to stay through the winter, learn to harvest, preserve and utilize stored foods and begin a full year long apprenticeship with us. Learn to build hugelkultur beds and food forests, permaculture guilds, companion planting, ethnobotany, (indigenous edible and medicinal wild plants) first growth plant identification, and intensive biodynamic organic permaculture farming.


Job Description: Sow, mulch, weed, thin, prune, graft and transplant with fruit and nut trees, berries, flowers, herbs and veggies to dry or process. We do early dawn harvests and baking for farmer’s markets 4 days a week in spring/summer and fall. Learn about spore cultures, mushroom gardens and eco building techniques for a new recycled hobbit house/yurt/ tree house art project. Other daily help is maintenance, fix it, painting, housework, dishes, laundry, mowing, pool cleaning. Rubbing dried herbs, mixing, bottling, some production like baking, truffle-making, labelling and packaging, making jams, jellies, pickles and other preserves are often on the agenda.


We ask a minimum daily contribution of 5 hours from each individual joining the farm community. This  daily contribution is in exchange for room and board.

Hours are often flexible and we invite the community to pick and choose tasks they wish to take on from our chore lists and work projects. “Work is Love made visible” is our motto and is essential to building our vision. Our work is a daily active meditation and every task can be beautiful and loved in its wholeness. [ Kahlil Gibran – The Prophet. ]

Accommodation and Living Arrangements: We have one double house bedroom, two furnished queen-size tent bedrooms and a twin bed tent nestled in the gardens. We can also make space to accommodate your RV/Van/Bus. All volunteers share the two bathrooms, kitchen, den and living room in the main house. Your daily contribution includes shared kitchen, whole food groceries, and shared community meals.


We eat loads of RAW food and paleo type meals with huge salads for lunch and dinner, and cooked mains at dinner most nights. Includes shared whole food kitchen and gorgeous healthy, farm table dinners most nights. Juicer, Vitamix, we do lots of green juicing, smoothies, fresh herbal teas and fruit waters.

Fruit, nuts, seeds, berries. Homemade soups, rice, beans or pasta (often sprouted or gluten free), grilled meat or fish with tons of veggies. Farm fresh eggs, sprouted grain breads, some grass fed organic dairy, wild/free range/organic meats and fish whenever we can get them.


Hang out in the kitchen and learn nutritional healing – how to make bone broth, fermented foods, raw, vegan or gluten free options. There is always something deliciously nourishing and very little packaged food here. If you have diet limitations, choose to be present at meal prep times to make sure your own individual needs are taken care of. All patterns of healthy eating can be included, but we cook with meat, fish and dairy often. We do not cater to those who have allergies or special diets, but if tons of fruit, veggies, salad and smoothies is your thing, and you are okay making a dish to share at dinner, you can easily eat with community. Everyone helps prep in the kitchen and cleans up after.

We are a family of six, with all the regular chaos and intensity of a big family: kids are 11, 13, 15, 17 with 2 to 6 other conscious adults sharing the main house, tent bedrooms and cottage on our land. General household schedule: dawn to 11pm. Main house and wireless internet are shut down at bedtime. We have a small dog named Bella (hypoallergenic) and 2 free range bunnies. Thinking about free range chickens and honey bees this year and building a recycled eco hobbit house as an art project.


Kayaking, canoeing, swimming, trampolining, biking, hiking, skiing, skateboarding and more on or nearby property. Come work and play with us a while.

Resumes can be sent to

3 thoughts on “INTERNSHIP: Join an Urban Permaculture Community in Kamloops, B.C.

    1. Hi Georgina,

      This post is from 2016, but you can try contacting them at to see if they have any current openings.

      You can also see our current jobs and apprenticeships at


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