North Vancouver: Edible Garden Project and Loutet Farm Tour & Potluck

Posted by Sara Dent on June 07, 2013

The farm touring, skills sharing, weed dating, potluck season is upon us. Each week there are young agrarians potlucks in different locations around the Southern half of the province. It’s like tomatoes or potatoes or nasturtium volunteering in the garden – events are popping up everywhere as young farmers build community! We hope one day there are potlucks in every corner of BC.

Lower Mainlanders: our collaboration with Vancouver Urban Farming Society is growing. We’re in the midst of scheduling a bunch of potlucks into the fall months. Check out our events page on Facebook to find out details.

Saturday, June 15, 2013, 1-4pm

Please join us for a potluck and tour of the Edible Garden Projects Loutet Farm and one of their Sharing Gardens. They do great work in North Vancouver. Ripping up lawns, planting educational gardens, training people, organizing awesome educational events and developing their social enterprise: Loutet Farm.



1pm – Meet at Loutet Farm (E 14th St & Rufus Ave, North Van) and potluck lunch. Small BBQ available for cooking yummy treats. Bring your own plate and tools to eat with please.

2pm – Loutet Farm Tour – check out new honey bee hives

3pm – Head down the street to see Sprout Organic Grocery and S’witch Cafe where we sell Loutet Produce, and then to an EGP backyard Sharing Garden. Travel by bike or car.

4pm – Wrap up and head out.

To join the event on Facebook click me! 

Check out our collaborators on line:

Edible Garden Project’s Loutet Farm

Vancouver Urban Farming Society


Photos of Loutet Farm potluck 2012 by Sara Dent

The above salad is by chef Carlos Concha (it was heavenly)