When: Tue, May 5, 2020 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM MST
Where: Online Webinar (Register here)
What: This webinar is for producers who are considering selling food in Alberta. Eileen Kotowich, farmers’ market specialist and Karen Goad, farm direct marketing specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry will discuss the scope of the local food opportunity in Alberta and market strategies for selling food products direct to consumers. We will explore the advantages and challenges of common market channel options including farmers’ market and farm gate sales, online, foodservice, retail and more.
This webinar is being put on in conjunction with the Chinook Applied Research Association (CARA). CARA is a producer-directed society dedicated to expanding agricultural research activity in the Special Areas and MD of Acadia. Our program of applied research, demonstration and extension projects provides a link in the transfer of knowledge and technology between research and the producer.