Workshop: Low-Stress Livestock Handling with Dylan Biggs
“Low-stress livestock handling can contribute to the well being of your cattle by allowing you to handle them in all situations in a safe, calm, efficient manner — effectively minimizing the amount of stress you expose your cattle to.” Dylan Biggs
Are you running your herd of cattle or are they running you? There is lot’s to learn and to know about not only the behavior of our animals but also about the way we are handling them. Come on out for the two-day workshop at Nature’s Way Farm in Grimshaw. Dylan Biggs from TK Ranch is going to share his incredible knowledge and experience with the Peace Country folks. This 2-day workshop includes theoretical and practical components. Plus join us for a tour of Nature’s Way Farm and a musical final on Saturday night with the local beekeeper and singer/songwriter The Honeycowboy.
When: September 14+15, 2019
Where: Nature’s Way Farm- Grimshaw, AB- 10 km south of Grimshaw on Range Road 242
Cost: (This is a 2-Day Workshop)
- 180 $ Single
- 150$ Additional Farm Unit
- 80$ Younger Agrarians (if you are 12-18 years old)
- Free admission for kids under the age of 12 years
Registration: Please preregister here!
Invite your network to join in the Facebook event.
About the Workshop:
- The definition and benefits of a manageable herd
- Understanding how our natural instincts can be counterproductive when working with animals
- How to think like a cow-understanding why cows do what they do
- The building blocks for training your herd to be manageable
- The basic skills of good handling
- Where, when and how to pressure the flight zone of a herd or animal
- Understanding the dynamics of herding
- Demonstrations through video and cattle handling
- Training your herd to drive
- Good herd movement
- Gaining control of herd direction
- Controlling herd speed
- Coordinating people for a successful move
- Moving livestock through gates and dealing with obstacles
- Processing and loading livestock
- Sorting livestock
Dylan Biggs at the Young Agrarians Apprenticeship Orientation Weekend in 2018:
Facilitator Bio:
Dylan Biggs is living and farming with his family at TK Ranch near Coronation in east-central Alberta. The third generation family farm is located in the remote grasslands where they are stewarding the wild prairie lands and run one of the largest cattle herds in the province. For decades the cattle handling expert has taught numerous farmers about the behavior of their animals.
This workshop is supported by the Berwyn Agricultural Society!