We are Jan and Nelson Meadows. We have been stewarding this 40-acre property 13 kms outside of Bamfield for the past 13 years. We have built a productive organic garden, multiple alternative energy sources, buildings and a self-sufficient way of life – we love eating fresh, organic food from the gardens nearly year-round, hosting WWOOFERs from all over the world, and sharing the knowledge we have gained in living this lifestyle.
The property was clear cut about 30 years ago. The forest is now growing back with natural regeneration that includes all the native plant species. Our hope is to help nurture it back, leaving a corridor through the property for wildlife to move across from Pacific Rim National Park, which connects to the southwest corner of the property, to Black Lake, which is quite close to the east side. This still leaves a good portion of the land to be developed into various income producing farm ventures. Things we feel would work very well on this property are bee keeping, berry production, year round greenhouse growing, cultivated mushrooms, as well as intensive growing in raised garden beds.
We are committed to organic practices, sustainability, permaculture and living as lightly on the land as possible. We have been very careful about what we have introduced to the land, so there should be no problem getting organic certification if desired. We use what is available on the property first, and locally second. We practice responsible humanure composting, and are now working on learning biodynamic farming.
We are very open to farm animals, especially rabbits, but only if fenced and housed adequately to protect from predators and cared for well. We would definitely be into shared care to facilitate everyone having a chance for time away.
At present, we grow over half of the veggies we need for ourselves and the WWOOFers we host, and a substantial amount of wild berries as well. As we expand our production areas, we are pruning and cultivating the wild berries, which stimulates wild fruit production similar to how the west coast First Nations did (before our ancestors interfered!).
We are now 77 and 78, so we are now looking at ways of helping others with like minded dreams to gradually take over the property, while allowing us to remain living here – helping and enjoying participation in the development of the land.
We would like to lease a portion of the land for a year, to begin with, to people who are interested in the potential of living on the property long term. The eventual goal would hopefully be for those people to buy into the property and become co-owners. A long term lease could also work, but ownership is the ideal as we would love for the land to continue to be cared for by like minded individuals who want to continue to grow the farm.
There are at least 5 acres (currently in young, regenerating forest) that would be usable as productive land for cropping or other farming ventures. The population of Bamfield is the local market, though product could also be shipped out to Port Alberni or beyond.
Accommodation is currently available for the short-term (first year), and for a longer term arrangement the farmer(s) would be welcome to build or bring in a permanent living structure.
This property is not for the faint of heart. One certainly needs to have a pioneering spirit!
This opportunity is now filled. To learn about other land opportunities, visit https://youngagrarians.org/tools/land/
The B.C. Land Matching Program is funded on Vancouver Island by the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Cowichan Valley Regional District. Thank you to Cowichan Green Community for providing in-kind program support.
Definitely interested would love more information about the lease process and availability.
Hi Dani,
You can contact the owners, Jan and Nelson, at jan.nelson.meadows@gmail.com for more information. I’ll also request that our Land Matcher for the region, Azja, reaches out to you via email.