The popular restaurant at Unsworth Vineyard and Winery is looking for a new farmer to lease its kitchen garden! The owners are keen to have a farmer to make use of the space available, and supply the popular restaurant with as much produce grown on-site as possible. The chef would particularly love a fresh supply of herbs and flowers, and will buy anything the farmer can grow there!
The restaurant would be the farmer’s first customer, and if there is any additional produce from the garden beyond what the restaurant needs, the farmer is welcome to sell that elsewhere. There is potential to sell to the visiting public at the on-site winery on the weekends if the farmer desires.
The existing deer fenced garden space is about 2000 sqft and has some raised beds that could either be cleaned out and used, or removed to start fresh! There is also room for expansion of the garden area if the farmer needs. The owners have a tractor and other machinery they would be happy to use to help the farmer get going in the space, and they are also able to improve the deer-fencing and irrigation systems as needed.
This land opportunity is participating in the BC Land Matching Program. For more information, get in touch with the Vancouver Island Land Matcher, Azja, at azja@youngagrarians.org.
For more information on the BC Land Matching Program and other land opportunities, visit https://youngagrarians.org/tools/land/
The B.C. Land Matching Program is funded on Vancouver Island by the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Cowichan Valley Regional District. Thank you to Cowichan Green Community for providing in-kind program support.