LAND OPPORTUNITY: 17 Acres for water-loving crops – Abbotsford, BC

Posted by Fai Hui on July 26, 2023

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This unique farming opportunity is available on 17 acres of lush and beautiful wet soil cropland. The available land sits on 33 acres of ALR property near Old Riverside Park in Abbotsford. All 33 acres are available for lease. Besides the wet soil cropland, the remainder of the property is hilly and partially forested, with a few acres of flat, drier, arable land. The land has been resting and is ready for a new project.

This opportunity offers electricity, and both a well and municipal water are available. A stream also runs through the lower portion of the property. The soil has been recently tested and an agrologist report is available if interested.


This land is seeking a farmer interested in wet soil agriculture – water-loving crops such as rice, watercress, or asparagus. The landholder lives on the property and is keen to support a new farming project. They may be open to having a tiny home on the property if housing is desired. The landholder would like the farmer to help them get farm status.


This land is available through the B.C. Land Matching Program. If you are interested in this land opportunity, please contact the Metro Vancouver – Fraser Valley Land Matcher, Fai Hui, at with the link to this post, any relevant photos, and a paragraph or two on each of the following topics:

  • About you
  • Your farming experience
  • Your plans for the land

For more details, check out the UMAP Listing for this property.

For more land opportunities, and to learn about the B.C. Land Matching program, please visit

The B.C. Land Matching Program is funded in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley by the Province of British Columbia, with support from Bullitt Foundation and the Real Estate Foundation of B.C.