Its incredible how busy our South Interior Okanagan Young Agrarians hub has been all year long. Young Farmers and Friends have been rocking an event every month since they got going January of this year. From participating as Iron Chefs at the Armstrong IPE this summer, to picking rocks out of a field, tasting beer, learning about bees, bringing young and ‘older’ farmers together at a recent Chat n’ Chew and more – Young Agrarians is stoked about all of the community building going on!
We’re excited to offer our first land linking workshop in Armstrong. In fact – it’s just around the corner! Here are the details. Come to either the workshop (please REGISTER) and / or the evening potluck social (no registration needed for the evening event). Join the event on Facebook and help tell all of your friends about it!
Are you a farmer looking for land? Are you a landowner looking for farmers?
You’re invited to a Land Linking Workshop and Potluck!
Join us Saturday, November 9th from 2pm – 6pm in Armstrong, BC for a workshop on the nuts and bolts of land linking. During the workshop, we’ll network, review legal frameworks for land linking, discuss assessing land for agricultural suitability, and talk about best practices for creating a healthy working relationship between land owners and farmers. If lucky, you may meet your future farmer, or possibly find the right landowner with a great piece of land to farm.
The evening continues from 6pm onwards, as we open doors to farmers and food lovers for an all ages welcome Young Agrarians dinner potluck!
Bring a dish to share and tools to eat with. Bring an instrument – let’s dance the night away! Bring loved ones and friends!
Please register for the workshop online:
OR RSVP by phone: 1-888-730-0452 x. 301
Saturday, November 9th
Location: Oddfellow Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue
2pm-6pm Land Linking Workshop
6pm-midnight: Young Agrarians Potluck Celebration
Event Hashtag: #landlink2013
Special thanks to our Partners in Farming: Young Agrarians South Interior, Farm Folk City Folk, Organic Sector Development Program, Vancity Community Foundation