TreeEater Farm and Nursery is a small mixed edibles nursery and homestead/farm on Denman Island with an emphasis on growing, propagating and selling unusual food producing trees, shrubs and vines: fruit, nut and berry. The broader farm includes annual vegetable production, orchards, small livestock, woodlot and sawing, wooden building, and general DIY. Within this context is a small community of independent people, 4-6 right now.
Wanted: Part-time Nursery Apprentice
Term: April 1 2016 to July 1 2016
Job Description: 15 hours/week. General nursery management and labor. Assisting with construction of new summer mist propagation unit. Greenhouse production. Seeding. Potting up. Care and cultivation of orchards. Some general labor and annual vegetable production. Sales and shipping.
Prerequisites: Passion for perennial food production. Experience with plants, growing and caring for plants. Comfort and interest in tools and basic carpentry. Experience with community co-habitation. Communication/relating skills and ability to work alongside others, both with direction and on independent projects.
Expectations: Applicant will cook and dwell independently with opportunities for social cooking and eating. Depending on compatibility there is potential for a longer term arrangement/habitation/working relationship at the farm.
Compensation: Use of independent cabin. Includes electricity, propane, internet. Does not include phone or food beyond garden vegetables. Personal garden space negotiable in addition.
For more info see our website