OCTOBER 24 & 25: Growing a Permaculture Orchard, Kingston & Guelph, ON

Posted by Kristen Nammour on October 15, 2015

Growing a Permaculture Orchard Stefan Sobkowiak Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario Young Agrarians - Event Banner

Interested in Growing a Permaculture Orchard for farmers, communities, and pollinators? Join the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario in collaboration with Young Agrarians for two half-day workshops by Stefan Sobkowiak. Workshops will be held in Kingston & Guelph, ON.

Join Stefan for this unique opportunity to learn about:

  • Permaculture orchard design
  • Variety selection and pest management
  • Tools and equipment
  • Profitability and economics
  • Benefits to pollinators


KINGSTON DATE: Saturday, October 24, 2015 | 1:00-4:30pm
LOCATION: Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Wilson Room
130 Johnson St, Kingston, ON
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GUELPH DATE: Sunday, October 25, 2015 | 1:00-4:30pm
LOCATION: Guelph Civic Museum
52 Norfolk St, Guelph, ON
Join & Share this event on Facebook!

EFAO Member Price: $40.00
Non-Member Price: $60.00
Two “pay-what-you-can” places per day available, contact admin@efao.ca for more information.

ABOUT THE FACILITATOR: Trained as a biologist and landscape architect, Stefan has taught fruit production, landscape and design, and natural history of vertebrates at Montreal’s McGill University. He’s been teaching permaculture in Quebec since 1995. Stefan is the owner of Miracle Farms, a 12-acre property located in Quebec’s western Monteregie region, in USDA hardiness zone 5. The farm was originally developed as a commercial monoculture apple orchard, transitioned to organic upon purchase in 1993, and certified organic in 1996.

Starting in 2007, five acres have been converted to a permaculture-inspired “u-pick” orchard. The farm produces over 100 cultivars of apples, 18 cultivars of pears, asian pears, plums, cherries, peaches, paw-paws, hardy kiwi, grapes, mulberries, gooseberries, redcurrant, blackcurrant, Saskatoon berries, raspberries, strawberries, and a whole range of herbs and perennial vegetables.

The Sustainable Lush Foundation is partnering with Miracle Farms in promoting pollinator and bee protection through a diversified orchard.