Feb 5 & 7, 2019: PRINCE GEORGE & TELKWA, BC – Climate Change Adaptation Workshops

Posted by Michalina Hunter on January 16, 2019

Join the BC Agriculture and Food Climate Action Initiative in enhancing agriculture’s ability to adapt to climate change!

The BC Agriculture and Food Climate Action Initiative works with regional governments and local producers to develop tools and resources to enhance regional and agricultural resilience to climate change. The workshops are Part 2 of a Regional Adaptation Strategies planning process which will result in a clear set of local strategies and actions. At the workshops, you’ll be able to develop and action strategy for addressing climate impacts, share your knowledge and experience and build on the results of workshop #1 (held in November).  We hope that many young farmers and new entrants will participate!

Upon completion of this planning process, up to $300,000 in funding will be available for implementation of collaborative projects in the region. Your participation and inputs at the workshops will help to shape these projects!

Agricultural producers are invited to join us for one workshop:

Where: Prince George
Regional District FFG
When: Tuesday, February 5th, 9:30am to 3:00pm

Where: Telkwa
Round Lake Hall
When: Thursday, February 7th, 9:30am to 3:00pm

Doors open at 9:00am for both workshops. Morning coffee, baked goods and lunch will be provided.

Attendees MUST register in advance and there is no cost to register.

To register or for more information, contact Samantha Charlton at Samantha@BCAgClimateAction.ca  or (778)676-7657.

Learn more about the BC Agriculture and Food Climate Action Initiative: https://www.bcagclimateaction.ca/

See other events for farmers here.