Looking for Land: Meet Teamster Christine

Posted by Kristen Nammour on February 16, 2017

Cadence Lane Farm Draft Team Pulls Logs w/ teamster, Christine


Hello! My name is Christine; I am a passionate horse trainer, teamster, and farmer, as well as the human power behind Cadence Lane Farm in the Cowichan Valley.  After close to four years on the same farm, I have outgrown the space I am on and am seeking a new homestead to lease and call home.

My way of life and ambitions in farming with horses are inspired by a purpose, a principle, and a possibility.  The purpose is to work in harmony with Mother Nature, to nourish ourselves, while also nourishing the land and the beings around us.  The principle is to choose methods that are sustainable and which add life to our Earth rather than cause it harm. The possibility is to consider that this might be the way of the future.


I am seeking a homestead to lease on 3-10 acres that is at least partially fenced for horses.  A small house/cabin for myself and my indoor/outdoor cat is a must, and though a barn is not a necessity, outbuildings of some sort that could be used for tack and feed storage would be nice.  A barn and/or workshop and/or equipment shed would be a big bonus.

I require space to park my truck, horse trailer, and varied horse-drawn vehicles and implements, and space to easily turn around a large horse trailer in the yard.  As I intend to host public events (I maintain insurance for all of my farm and commercial activities) periodically, ample parking space is also important.

Cadence Lane Farm Wagon Ride

IDEAL AREA: It is my hope to transition to the Saanich Penninsula.  Proximity to trails is highly desirable, as well as being located within a quiet community that is conducive to driving horses on the roads.

A HORSE-DRAWN BUSINESS: My current endeavours include horse-drawn wagon rides for all kinds of events, horse training, instruction (aka human training), and putting my horses to work around the farm in as many ways as possible.  

This year, it is my desire to add chickens and ducks, a couple goats, and possibly pigs to my operation, as well as grow enough vegetables to feed myself, which may well evolve into a (horse-powered) market garden in the future.

I feel compelled to continue the work horse traditions of the past and bring them into the 21st century, as I truly believe that the way of the past will prove in time to be also the way of the future.  I refuse to let the centuries of wisdom in working and farming with draft animals become lost in the history books as the ol’ timers pass on; I am passionate about sharing the craft of the teamster and the joy of draft horses with all who may wish to learn, and teaching people of all ages and backgrounds to drive horses safely and effectively.

I find it concerning the growing disconnect I observe between modern city life and farm roots, and I am on a mission to help bridge this gap.  It is important to me to be able to welcome the public, and particularly children, to my farm to get their hands in the dirt, experience the animals, see where their food comes from, and reconnect with the Earth.  I desire to host workshops, farm tours, and family events that bring folks from all walks of life onto the farm.

Young Agrarian Christine, a farmer looking for land, is pictured with a young goat lovingly resting it's head on her lapABOUT CHRISTINE: I grew up in Calgary, and first moved to the Island after high school in 2007.  I have been involved with horses since I was about 8, and I’ve been working with draft horses in commercial settings for most of the last nine years.  I am passionate about doing real work with real horsepower, and sharing the joy of draft horses with the community.  I believe in the rewards of hard work, the strength of community, and the power of awareness.

As our lifestyle becomes more and more automated, technology-obsessed, and focussed on short-term satisfaction, I feel pulled to slow down and reconnect with Mother Earth, bringing my awareness to the larger picture.  Working with horses brings me more in touch with myself.  Doing work with horses brings a deep sense of fulfillment and integrity in honouring Mother Earth by working in harmony with her.

Animal welfare is, of course, of paramount importance to me; my animals are my pride and joy and their wellbeing is always my top priority.  Sustainability is also a consideration that I feel strongly towards.  It is my goal to implement on my farm systems that create self-sustainability, wherein the land I am stewarding is able to provide for all those (human and animal) who are on it, and in the same breath we return as much or more to the land as we receive from her, recognizing that the health of the Earth is where wellness begins.

CONTACT: I am very grateful for all opportunities that come my way.  I am best reached by email, christinembeattie@gmail.com


Cadence Lane Farm Snow Plow