Farmer Podcast Club: The Brown Revolution

Posted by Lilli Klamke on July 17, 2019

Enjoy listening to your weekly Farmer Podcast Club episode.

EP 20 The Brown Revolution – Rural Routes to Climate Solution

Soil is pretty amazing stuff. It can produce food, sequester carbon and provide ecosystem services. Since the introduction of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, high-yield crops and irrigation in the 1960’s, agriculture has been more preoccupied with what has been happening above the soil than the vast universe of soil organisms in the soil (we also didn’t know a lot about tiny soil microbes back then either). World renowned soil microbiologist, former chief scientist of the Rodale Institute and former USDA scientist, Dr. Kristine Nichols says we, as agricutlural producers, need to put our heads back in the ground and be more concerned with what is happening in the soil than above it. It is time to start treating the soil the same way we treat ourselves.

Listen to Dr. Nichols fascinating and thought provoking presentation at the Breton Community Hall on June 20th, 2019 as she makes a call out for a new revolution in agriculture. Not another Green Revolution, but one that uses something she refers to as eco-functional intensification, which is working with the soil and those soil organisms and their amazing abilities to support many, many different forms of life. You may think you are not a livestock farmer because you produce grain or veggies, but you have millions of microscopic animals in your soil. If you take care of them, they’ll take care of you.

Welcome to the Brown Revolution.


Listen to the full episode:

EP20 The Brown Revolution

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