FARM JOBS: PEMBERTON, B.C. – Ice Cap Organics, Field Crew

Posted by JoHana Harcourt on January 12, 2023

ice cap organics

Ice Cap Organics in Pemberton, BC is hiring a Field Crew for the 2023 season!

About Ice Cap Organics

We grow over 50 vegetable varieties in the field and in a few greenhouses, and have added strawberries and fresh cut flowers on 5 acres. We use a rainflo implement attached to our John Deere 5055E for making raised beds with landscape fabric for transplants and for direct seeded crops we cultivate with an Allis Chalmers belly mounted cultivator and hand tools.  We sell our vegetables at the West End Vancouver Market on Saturdays and through a local Harvest Box Program throughout the Sea to Sky.

We started Ice Cap Organics in 2009 and right away it became a full time endeavor for both of us. We have been certified organic and family owned and operated from the start. We believe in growing in harmony with the ecosystem and being a positive part of our community.  Working on the farm we generally have ourselves, Delaney and Alisha, and three employees. We also have two children ages 11 and 13, a Maremma Dog named Coco, and two cats Pepper and Kita.

ice cap organics

Desired Qualities

  • Hard working and able to keep a fast pace
  • Positive
  • Able to work with others
  • Able to be independent and self motivated enough to be productive on your own
  • Able to lift 50 pounds
  • Able to work on hands and knees most of the day
  • Love working outdoors rain, shine, bugs, mud…
  • Feel passionately about growing organic vegetables
  • Have some previous farm and/or other labour work experience

Job Tasks

Early spring jobs include planting seedling in the propagation house, transplanting seedling in the field, preparing beds, setting up irrigation, row covering crops, and weeding.

Late Spring and Summer harvesting, trellising and maintaining cukes and tomatoes in greenhouse, washing and processing the veggies, weeding.

End of summer and fall jobs include harvesting, washing and processing veggies, cover cropping, and farm clean up.

There are also lots of odd end jobs throughout the season such as greenhouse moving, irrigation, BCA walk behind tractor operating, and much more.

ice cap organics

Job Details

Term: Positions starts mid-April  to mid-November, depending on when winter comes.

Hours: We offer 40+ hours per week. We work Monday through Friday until the end of May then we switch to Tuesday through Saturdays until the end of October/Beginning November.

Wage: Starting wage is $17/hr and goes up from there depending on farming experience.

Accommodation: We have a cabin available for rent for $500/month.  It has an outdoor kitchen, shower, outhouse, running hot water, electricity, and wifi. We also have a 1 bedroom suite to rent for $850/ month.

To Apply

Please email us a cover letter describing why you want to work with us on our farm and your work experience that would be applicable to the job.  Please also include a resume with references. Send to

Learn More About Ice Cap Organics



Instagram: @icecaporganics

Twitter: @icecaporganics

View more farm jobs and apprenticeships on our Job Board here.

ice cap organics