[Filled] FARM JOB: SUMMERLAND, BC – Garnett Hollow Organic Farm, Horticultural Worker

Posted by Michalina Hunter on March 15, 2020

Garnett Hollow Organic Farm, farm job, summerland, okanagan

This position has been filled. View more farm jobs and apprenticeships here. 

Garnett Hollow Organic Farm in Summerland BC, is seeking a Horticultural Worker for the 2020 season! 

ABOUT Garnett Hollow Organic Farm

Garnett Hollow Organic Farm is nestled beside Eneas Creek in Garnett Valley, Summerland, BC. On two acres beside the house, we produce Asparagus and a variety of Leafy Greens in the field and have two greenhouses and hoop tunnels to extend the season for Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers and Zucchini as well as for propagation. We lease 10 acres on a beautiful bench above the property where we grow main crop root veggies, a wide variety of other vegetables, strawberries and rhubarb. We are in going into our fifth season at this location so we are constantly experimenting: with our soil improvements—using a combination of green manures and compost; growing methods—to till or not to till, transplanting versus direct drilling; mulching methods; crop rotations etc. From the farm we run LocalMotive, a Home Delivery CSA which currently has around 120 subscribers, and The Farmbag Fundraiser, a healthy fundraising initiative for local non-profit organizations with around 500 subscribers in the months of September, October and November. We wholesale to a local chain of whole food stores, and supply local restaurants, and we will soon be setting up a retail venture in Penticton.

This is a family farm, Thomas and Celina are the owners and have five children ranging from 3 to 17, some days they are all out in the field mucking in! We believe in a strong sense of community which is reflected in our relationship with our workers and with the Organic Farmers around us through the Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys. Music is also at the heart of the farm and keeps us sane even during the height of the season. We believe in hard work, but also that there has to be a balance with time to enjoy the beauty of where we live and time for the lake during the summer!  Our goal is to establish a sustainable farm (ecologically but also in terms of human energy!), producing quality organic produce for local consumers, while providing a peaceful, happy haven for family, staff and friends!

Garnett Hollow Organic Farm, farm job, summerland, okanagan

Desired Qualities

Physically fit and strong! Hard working! Efficient and quick, with an eye to detail when necessary. Heat and Cold tolerant! (This is an area of extremes). Reliability. Flexibility. Happy to work in a team or alone on occasion and take instruction (and initiative where necessary), must have a sense of humour!  Interest in Organic Farming and desire to learn – positive attitude in general!

Job Tasks

General Farm Labour: sowing, transplanting, weeding (usually lots of weeding!), harvesting, clearing crops. Washing crops, sorting and packing. Helping with CSA programme (packing boxes, washing bins etc).

Garnett Hollow Organic Farm, farm job, summerland, okanagan

Job Details

Term: May 1, 2020 – October 31, 2020 

Weekly hours: 40 hours/week 

Wage:  $15 – negotiable, depending on experience.

Accommodation: Tenting or living in a camper on the property is a possibility, there is a basic outdoor shower, toilet, internet and power provided.

Garnett Hollow Organic Farm, farm job, summerland, okanagan

To Apply

Please send a resume with a cover letter and provide two work references that we can contact to louise@localmotive.ca

Please note we can only accept applications from Canadian Residents or those with a Canadian work visa. 

When applying, please mention you saw this posting at youngagrarians.org

Learn more about Garnett Hollow Organic Farm

Website: http://www.localmotive.ca/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/LocalMotive

Instagram: instagram.com/localmotiveokanagan

View more farm jobs and apprenticeships here.Â