[Filled] FARM JOB: ARMSTRONG, BC – Pilgrims’ Produce, Market Garden Farm Worker

Posted by Michalina Hunter on April 01, 2020

plgrims produce, farm job, vernon, armstrong

This job has been filled. View more farm jobs and apprenticeships here. 

Pilgrims’ Produce, near Armstrong and Vernon, BC, is seeking a Market Garden Farm Worker for the 2020 season! This established certified organic farm is fun, peaceful, inspiring, hard-work and rewarding!


We offer a large variety of vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts mainly to folks in our local community via: Farmer’s Markets, our own CSA box program, U-Pick as well as other local outlets. Just minutes to Vernon and Armstrong at the base of Eagle Rock cliff face we farm 13.7 acres using a few tractors and lots of man (and woman) power. With 6 high tunnel greenhouses along with field crops, orchards and permaculture sections we grow a wide variety of high quality and certified organic produce for our local community. Pilgrims’ Produce is a well established farm (since 1991) with a new partnership happening between the originators or the farm and a young family now operating the majority of the farm. We invite you to join our team! There is always lots happening and such a wealth of knowledge to tap into. It’s fun, peaceful, inspiring, hard-work and rewarding!

Pilgrims’ Produce has been a certified organic farm since inception in 1991 and continues to produce healthy food for our local community while taking care of the soil and environment around us. We are always inspired to try out new techniques and we’re hungry to learn how to do things better. It’s fun to keep growing!

plgrims produce, farm job, vernon, armstrong

Desired Qualities

Hardworking, upbeat and motivated (team setting or solo) while doing physically demanding tasks in rain or hot Okanagan heat. Someone who can work fast, skillfully and to the best of their ability. We’re happy to do on site training and experience is a huge asset!

Job Tasks

Everyone is expected to participate in all farm tasks from planting, weeding, greenhouse work, harvesting, washhouse work, Farmers Markets, etc… there are a lot of different tasks which require physical and mental flexibility (crawling on the ground to helping customers at market) We do our best to allow everyone to alternate jobs throughout the day. Physical strength and agility needed: Can you lift 40lbs? Crawl in the dirt? Squat? (Tasks vary and farm work is better than a gym membership!)

plgrims produce, farm job, vernon, armstrong

Job Details

Term: Most likely to start beginning of April and go to the end of October depending on the season itself.

Weekly hours: 40 hrs a week 5-6 days a week but will vary over the season, at peak season more hours may be needed.

Wage: Starting around $15/hr depending on experience.
Access to lots of amazing home grown veggies and fruits.
We have rustic accommodations available for one or two.
It’s a diverse farm with lots of opportunity to learn and take on responsibility where interested.

To Apply

Please send us a cover letter and resume with some references (and their email/phone number) and any past experience that may be of value to our farm to pilgrimscsa@gmail.com

When applying, please mention you saw this posting at youngagrarians.org

Learn more about Pilgrims’ Produce

Website:  www.pilgrimsproduce.com

Facebook: facebook.com/PilgrimsProduce


View more farm jobs and apprenticeships here.