VIRTUAL FARM TOUR – Cold Climate Water Resilience Virtual Field Day at Coen Farm

Posted by Alex on March 10, 2020

coen farm, permaculture, tour, young agrarians
Join us for a VIRTUAL field day at Coen Farm to learn about simple, low-cost, low-tech systems for harvesting snowmelt to improve your water resilience in a cold climate.

During this video tour you will see over 3 km of swales, 40 million litres of water storage in ponds, dams, dugouts and wetlands, solar-powered water pumping, gravity water reticulation system, and energy-free livestock waterers. If the spring melt cooperates then there will also be a flood irrigation demonstration into one of the swales to water one of the farm’s food forests. The tour will also cover topics like permaculture design, aquaculture, rotational grazing, agroforestry, multi-species cover cropping, and integrated livestock management with dairy cows, pigs, chickens and annual gardens and cropland.


WHEN: The video will be released on April 30th

COST: Access to view the video is by sliding scale contribution, minimum $5. This farm tour is a fundraiser for Young Agrarians, a network of new and aspiring farmers.

REGISTER: Send your contribution via e-transfer to (password ‘organic’) with a note that would like to view the Coen Farm Virtual Field Day. Once the video is released you will be emailed a link to access the virtual tour. Registrations will be open from April 1 to May 31, 2020. 

SHARE: Know someone who would love to see this virtual tour? Please share this event on your feed for via personal message on Facebook!

QUESTIONS: Contact Alex at with any questions, comments, or concerns!

About Coen Farm

We are thrilled to be collaborating with Coen Farm for this event! Coen Farm is proud to be a part of the growing regenerative agriculture revolution that is healing the planet and its people. The 250 acre farm is designed using permaculture and holistic management principles and has used organic practices since 1988. Takota, Michael and Laura Coen produce milk-fed pork, grass-finished beef, free-range eggs, berries & herbal teas. The farm has an intricate system of water harvesting, which includes several dugouts and wetlands, swales, and frost-free water access points.

Psssst – Coen Farm also offers various classes, including online and in-person Permaculture Design Certificates with Verge Permaculture. Learn more here. 

coen farm, permaculture, tour, young agrarians