All this hard work learning and trying out equipment in the field will be followed by a relaxing snack-potluck & social time where we can connect with farmers & foodies in the Comox Valley.
When: Wednesday, June 1, 2:00-5:00PM
Where: Kloverdalen Farm – 5109 Rennison Rd at Island Hwy
- Bring a snack to share for a snacky field potluck!
- Be sure to wear a sun hat – Kloverdalen is super hot and sunny.
- Wear sturdy boots & clothing in case you’d like to try the BCS
- Everyone welcome!

About Kloverdalen Farm
Kloverdalen Farm is a small-scale organic farm in year two of start-up, growing fresh organic produce. Farmer Kira Kotilla is a really great market gardener and founding member of the Merville Organics Growers Co-op. The Co-op sells produce from 5 farms through 90 CSA shares, farmers markets and restaurants in the Comox Valley and Campbell River.

About Growing Island Growers
Growing Island Growers’ mission is to empower and train the next generation of commercial market growers to be successful by reducing the need for initial startup capital and providing grower-to-grower field proven production techniques. David Wicklund has worked for many years in market gardens and vegetable farms across BC and has field tested tools, strategies and experiences that can provide success in the shortest time possible while avoiding costly mistakes. He is now sharing rental equipment & consulting uniquely suited for growers with 1/2 to 5 acres of production. Find out more about Growing Island Growers at www.growingislandgrowers.com.
Hope to see you there! Don’t forget to check out our event on Facebook too!