Job Posting: 2015 Gathering Coordinator
The BC Food Systems Network is looking for an energetic, detail-oriented person to coordinate our 17th annual Gathering, which will take place in the Prince George region from Thursday June 25 to Sunday June 28, 2015.
The ideal candidate will:
• have experience in event planning, fundraising, managing large projects, and media outreach (including social media);
• be able to multi-task and prioritize;
• know how to develop and implement a communications plan that will help promote the Gathering and keep all stakeholders informed as
time goes on;
• have experience working within a non-profit organization;
• have some knowledge of the BC Food Systems Network, local food issues, and activities in the region where the Gathering takes place;
• be an excellent communicator;
• have an in-depth understanding of food security, food sovereignty, and surrounding issues.
The coordinator will work from a home office and must have regular access to the internet, telephone, and be comfortable communicating via email.
Duties include:
• Working with the Gathering Working Group (composed of volunteer members of the Network and its Steering Committee) to develop
the Gathering. The Working Group meets via regular conference calls to direct the coordinator. The coordinator will consult the Gathering
Manual and note additions and improvements so that future Gatherings will benefit from her/his experience.
• Fundraising for the Gathering, including carrying out research to find suitable grants and other sources of financial and in-kind support,
and submitting applications to these various sources.
• Communicating with the Network Steering Committee as needed via monthly teleconference calls. These reports include progress
updates, tasks and areas that need support.
• Preparation of the Gathering budget;
• Preparation of the program schedule, including developing and issuing a call for proposals, evaluating and selecting presenters, selecting
and scheduling workshops that balance hands-on activities with technical or policy-focused sessions, booking rooms, and making sure
presenters have the right A/V equipment for their sessions.
• Communicating and corresponding with the Network membership and beyond to develop the Gathering agenda. Crafting the final
schedule of workshops and for the Gathering as a whole, in consultation with the Gathering Working Group.
• Coordinating conference registration, including assembling packages for participants, receiving registration, coordinating sleeping
arrangements, food, workshops, facilities, the schedule of events, daycare, and volunteers.
• Developing and implementing a communications plan that will help promote the Gathering and keep all stakeholders informed.
• Coordinating volunteers assisting with the Gathering, including the delegation of tasks to volunteers and subcommittees.
• Overseeing the menu and meals while ensuring that the food meets the criteria of the Network in contributing to local food sustainability
and local food security.
• Supporting the creation/development of the menu with the local chef, sourcing local ingredients and contributions from Network
members and acting as a local liaison.
• General administration related to the Gathering and other duties as they arise.
• Crafting a final report to be posted on the Network website and an evaluation report to be submitted to the board by the end of July 2015.
This is a contract position in the amount of $6000 that runs from February 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015. Hours per week increase from about 5-10 to 20-25 as the Gathering approaches; the total number of hours estimated is 400.
To apply for this position please send a cover letter, résumé, and references to David Parkinson at Any additional questions may be addressed to David Parkinson at the same email address. The closing date for application is November 28, 2014, before 12:00 noon. Candidates will make themselves available for a follow-up phone interview in the following week (December 1 to 5, 2014).
About the BC Food Systems Network
We are a provincial organization based in British Columbia, Canada working toward a healthy and just food system. Community food security is our focus, where:
• everyone is able to acquire, in a dignified manner, adequate quantity and quality of personally acceptable food;
• people are able to earn a living wage by growing, producing, processing, handling, retailing and serving food;
• the quality of land, air and water are maintained and enhanced for future generations; and
• food is recognized as the basis of health and celebrated as central to community and cultural integrity.