Insights on Leasing Farmland
Posted by Jordan Marr on July 14, 2016 3 Comments
Two farmy gents with insights about setting up a solid farm lease and managing the landlord/tenant relationship
Posted by Jordan Marr on July 14, 2016 3 Comments
Two farmy gents with insights about setting up a solid farm lease and managing the landlord/tenant relationship
Posted by Jordan Marr on April 21, 2016
A conversation with the co-founders of the Maritime Farm Apprentice and Worker Network
Posted by Jordan Marr on February 19, 2016
This episode, host Jordan Marr reviews the Salatin Semester, a comprehensive course featuring the teachings of Joel Salatin. He also talks soil blocks and DIY vacuum seeders with Eric Barnhorst.
Posted by Jordan Marr on February 04, 2016
Incubator farms are helping new farmers get started without betting the farm to do it.
Posted by Jordan Marr on December 18, 2015
Some apprenticeship alumni on why, and how, the apprenticeship model needs to be tweaked. Audio contained within!
Posted by Jordan Marr on February 18, 2015
This story, about a new farmer’s efforts to start a remote, northern Island chain’s only dairy, is pretty cool.
Posted by Jordan Marr on January 14, 2015
This episode: what chefs expect in terms of quality, how they like to be billed and when you should start to worry about unpaid accounts, and Cam and Dana’s thoughts on the relationship between high-end cuisine and food security.
Posted by Jordan Marr on January 07, 2015
The Ruminant podcast has just launched its 2015 season with part one of host Jorda Marr’s conversation with Okanagan chefs Dana Ewart and Cameron Smith, who provide advice for farmers who want to develop or improve relationshiops with restaurant customers. Listen here.
Posted by Jordan Marr on November 18, 2014
BC market gardener Jordan Marr, who occasionally writes about himself in the third person, just inked a post about how he keeps track of a fairly complicated CSA distribution system. Plus: tips for bagging your veggies.
Posted by Jordan Marr on November 05, 2014 2 Comments
This past season on our farm, we had a professional photogrpaher for a farmhand, and the farmer kept a weird journal of the season. It turned into something pretty fun. Within: a season on a young agrarian’s farm in photos, GIFS, vids, and journal entries.