February 11: Winnipeg, MB – YA & NFU Youth Mixer
Posted by Jeanette Sivilay on January 31, 2017
When: Saturday, February 11, 2017 from 3pm to 6pm Where: Great Hall at Canadian Mennonite University, 500 Shaftesbury Blvd, Winnipeg, MB What: Looking to connect with new and aspiring small farmers in Manitoba? Join us at the Young Agrarians and NFU Youth Mixer & Potluck after Winnipeg’s Seedy Saturday! We’re bringing together young, new, and aspiring small farmers to socialize, network, share and support each other in our farming endeavours. Please bring a dish to share and tools to eat with! If you want to share your farm / food project, bring 10 slides on a USB. Presenters will have 5-10 minutes to … Continue reading February 11: Winnipeg, MB – YA & NFU Youth Mixer