The amazingly talented Virginie Lavallée-Picard and Alex Fletcher of Wind Whipped Farm are hosting a Young Agrarians Farmer Mixer on August 24th in Metchosin, BC. On the agenda is a farm tour, a potluck dinner on Taylor Beach and a beach party! Wind Whipped Farm is a small (less than 0.5 acre) market garden and orchard in Metchosin, BC. It is also the home of The Local Food Box (, a multi-farm CSA partnership between Metchosin producers, coordinated by Alex and Virginie. “We have been in operation since 2008 and we founded The Local Food Box Program in 2011. We farm on land leased from family and use small scale equipment and tools.”
When: Sunday, August 24th 2014, 4:00pm
Where: 4645 William Head Rd, Metchosin BC
What to bring: A favourite dish to share, plates and utensils for yourself
Join the event on Facebook and invite your friends!
For more information about the hosts or Wind Whipped Farm, check out their website!