Lil Ryley Farms in Camrose, Alberta is seeking an apprentice for the 2021 season!
About Lil Ryley Farms
We are a mixed market farm that raise sheep, poultry, laying hens and grow 3 acres of vegetables. Our farm sits on an early 1900s homestead where we still use the old buildings for our current operation. Our farm store is located inside the 1902 house and features not only our products but also products that are locally produced. Our farm is open to the public during the summer months with our garden available as a U-Pick, we host farm tours and several events through out the summer including Open Farm Days and Farm to Table events.
Our farm is not only operated by muscle power but majority of our equipment was built in the 1950s and is what we use everyday.
Our foundation of our farm is about education and building trust through transparency with our clients. Everything we do on our farm is to ensure our animal, plant and soil health is put first so we can continue to produce amazing food off our property.
Desired Qualities
We are looking for someone that wants to learn, is a self starter, is a creative thinker, a problem solver and is willing to get a little dirty.
A drivers licence is required.
Apprenticeship Tasks
- Garden bed preparation, seeding, transplanting, maintenance, harvests.
- Animal husbandry, chores and feed making.
- Operating farm store, working with clients that come to the farm.
- Food preservation including pickling and canning.
- If interested, helping with mechanics of farm equipment, advertising farm, social media, photography
Instruction & Education
The apprentice will be working along side us to learn the tasks on the farm. With the ability to take on tasks alone as they are more comfortable with each one. Tasks that will also be done along side us is feed making and any mechanics due to safety.
Additional Learning Resources
We highly recommend continual learning on our farm as we do as well. We have many other farms we team up with to bounce ideas and learn from, along with ordering books, manuals and hours of research on the internet.
Room & Board
Choice of sleeping quarters to be in our spare room or inside one of our campers. They have access to all common areas in the house including bathroom, kitchen, sitting areas. Join us for any meals if you would like and recommend eating with us for dinner nightly. We ask that you keep your living quarters tidy and clean up common areas when you are done with them.
Job Details
Term: May – October, 2021
Hours per week: 40 hours a week
Stipend: $1600/mth
Guaranteed Tuesdays off each week.
Stipend negotiated for more days off needed.
How to Apply
Please email a cover letter and resume to:
When applying, please indicate that you saw this posting at
Learn More About Lil Ryley Farms
Instagram: @lilryleyfarms