We are excited to be teaming up with Redtail Farms for a full weekend devoted to the ecological land managers and change makers on the prairies.
When: May 28 & 29, 2016
Where: Redtail Farms
3 km south of Castor, Alberta on Range Road 142 (First farm on west side of the road)
What: Join us at their farm near Castor, AB where Ian Griebel, Dana Blume and family will share how they have rooted their vision for the future in agrarian pursuits. Look forward to fireside stories from elder agrarians including Don Ruzicka from Sunrise Farm and Dylan Biggs from TK Ranch. Watch a screening of Kevin Kossowan’s Slow Food film and hear from Kim Cornish on how she is supporting ecological farmers across Alberta. Take a walking tour of the native prairie landscape and be inspired by others who are weaving together healthy soils, healthy animals, healthy people and healthy communities.
- Saturday:
1 pm Introductions & Tour of RedTail Farms
4 pm Presentations from Don Ruzicka, Dylan Biggs and Kim Cornish
6 pm Potluck Supper (Meat provided by RedTail Farmms, bring side dish or dessert!)
8 pm Kevin Kossowan & Slow Food film - Sunday:
8am Farmer Breakfast
10 am Tour of native prairie at Sullivan Lake
12pm Wrap Up
RSVP by email to alberta@youngagrarians.org
Plan to camp at the farm for a full weekend of agrarian awesomeness.
About the farm:
“Three generations looking seven generations forward.”
Redtail Farms is nestled on a rich mix of rejuvenated grasslands and wetlands. Richard Griebel, Ian’s father, had a pioneering vision for healing both land and people through food, and understood the integral role that grazing animals on prairie grasses play in realizing these goals. Ian and his family continue to move this dream forward, working in a way that builds topsoil and biodiversity, sustains a third generation family farm and provides a nutrient dense product for our customers. Their farming goals include:
[RE]generation: We are committed to ensuring that the land is continually regenerated through the presence of our animals on the land. Using rotational and intensive grazing techniques we look to mimic the bison that so deeply defined the soils and ecology of our area. We believe that when enacted properly agriculture is an opportunity for ecological rejuvenation, and a sustainable future for generations to come.
[RE]lationships: Food is not simply a means of sustenance, it is an opportunity for social and ecological connection. Through the production and distribution of our local, sustainable meats we hope to be the intermediaries between resilient ecological systems and healthy communities and families. When eating our products we hope that you experience this sense of connection and reciprocity.
[RE]sponsibility: Instilled into all our practices and products is a dedication towards our environment, community and future generations. This sense of responsibility guides our farming practices. To slightly paraphrase an old adage, “We do not [only] inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children”.
Alberta Young Agrarians programming is supported by: