A Head Start for New Farmers in the Central Okanagan

Posted by Sara Dent on September 04, 2015

A new opportunity is on the horizon for those interested in farming  but who currently face obstacles. The Central Okanagan Community Farm Society is exploring the concept of starting incubator farms for new farmers. An incubator farm provides a new farmer with affordable access to a small plot of land, limited equipment, and mentorship from experienced farmers in order to teach the skills necessary for faming as an independent business venture. The land would be available for 1-3 years and would assist new farmers in gaining all the skills required to transition onto their own land.

Does this sound like the opportunity you’ve been dreaming of? If you are a potential new farmer and are interested in exploring this concept with the Central Okanagan Community Farm Society, please submit a short written proposal including:

– A little about yourself and your reason for seeking support through an incubator farm along with a brief description of your goals for participating in the program

– Your previous history/experience with farming or gardening

– Any formal or informal education or training you have participated in that may support your dream to farm

– A description of your current life status and readiness to take on such an opportunity

– The area within the Central Okanagan that you would be willing to farm if possible

– Your contact information

At this stage, the Central Okanagan Community Farm Society is still exploring the viability of the incubator farm concept and seeking land.  We are committed to supporting organic farming practices only at this stage.

We are also interested in potential mentors to assist with this project so if you are an existing farmer who may be able to lend a hand as a mentor, we would love to hear from you!

Interested individuals should contact Kyla Gowenlock at kyla.gowenlock@gmail.com with questions or to submit their written proposals. 
