Seeds, Fermentation, Mushrooms & More: A look back at 2019 Columbia Basin events

Posted by Hailey Troock on February 21, 2020

Thanks to the farms and friends who hosted and the generous support of Columbia Basin Trust, Young Agrarians was able to organize seven different on-farm and educational events across the region in 2019 and early 2020. We learned about tools, seed saving, nurseries, fermentation, mushrooms and more, we toured some groundbreaking farms, and we shared meals with new and old friends. We partnered with some fantastic like-minded organizations and teamed up with innovative entrepreneurs. We look forward to what this year will bring!

Scroll on for links to recaps from the whole series to see what we did at each event. We’re excited to announce eight more events for the 2020/2021 farming season very soon, so if you haven’t been able to join us yet you’ll have plenty more opportunities!

JUNE 2019: Kootenay Local Agricultural Society Tool School, Farm Tour and Potluck at Linden Lane Farms

EVENT RECAP: KLAS Tool School at Linden Lane Farms

JULY 2019: FFCF Seed-cleaning Demo, Farm Tour and Potluck at Edible Acres and Winderberry Farm


AUGUST 2019: Creston Valley Multi-Farm Tour and Potluck

EVENT RECAP: Creston Valley Farm Tour

OCTOBER 2019: Ferment & Feast with Happy Gut at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre

EVENT RECAP: Ferment & Feast ~ Castlegar

OCTOBER 2019: Young Agrarians Columbia Basin Mixer at Red Mountain

EVENT RECAP: YA Mixer @ the Basin Food Summit ~ Rossland

NOVEMBER 2019: Farm Tour, Stew-Making and Potluck at Forrest Farm

EVENT RECAP: Forrest Farm Tour & Potluck ~ Salmo

FEBRUARY 2020: Wet and Wild: Farming Fungi Forum at Ainsworth Hot Springs

EVENT RECAP: Wet and Wild Farming Fungi Forum


Upcoming events!

If you have any questions please contact




The Columbia Basin event series is made possible with funding from Columbia Basin Trust.